Sunday, June 12, 2011

dianna agron

Dianna Agron wore a “Likes Girls” t-shirt during the Glee cast performance of “Born This Way” on their Toronto tour stop tonight, resulting in an explosion on twitter of peeps speculating that Dianna had perhaps come out as a lesbian.

C’mon.  If the Glee star was a lesbian who had made the decision to come out, she’d do it in a front page exclusive with People magazine–not on some dumb t-shirt IN CANADA NO LESS.  Take a minute to THINK PEOPLE. Lulz.

For those of you who don’t follow Glee–on the “Born This Way” episode, the kids sang the GAGA anthem wearing t-shirts that declared something about themselves that set them apart from others.  “Lucy Caboosey” is Dianna’s usual slogan–a mean nickname kids called her in middle school when she used to be fat.

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